Monday, 4 July 2011



We are currently having promotion for our new baby, tiramisu..
first 10 customer will get special price if order this week (4th- 10th July) and pick up any day (after 16th July until puasa started).. :) 
email: ..
Hurry up!

Sunday, 3 July 2011


meet our new baby, tiramisu! suitable for VIP dessert, gift, etc..

available in mini 4

in bekas 8x8inch

email us at:

Oreo Truffle

our best selling product, oreo truffles!
suitable for your hantaran, gift, bday present, ole-ole, etc!

whoopie pies

whoopie pie in the house yo!!
(with cream cheese filling)
email us:

creamy oreo cheesecake- special request from customer

Special request from Huda for her anniversary..
(the cake + the signage)

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

creamy oreo cheesecakes

here goes our signature creamy oreo cheesecake.. but mind u, it is damn creamy. hehe :)

topped with milk choc kitkat (mini 6inch)

topped with white choc kitkat (8inch)

again, topped with milk choc kitkat (8inch)

so, what r u waiting for? we have mini 6inch and 8inch to satisfy ur craving! email us-

oreo truffles 3

Dah lama tak update due to tersangat la busy with office workload and orders yg byk. alhamdulillah..
belows antara yg ordered from customer, return customer, & bloggers. :) thanks all!